"I don't want to to be imortal. I'm stuck in pergatory. I want to end it. "
I know what he means, but she didn't. Her eyebrows raised in concern as she typed .
"Can we tour the facility?" -No. "Can we see photos of the rooms?" -No. "I would need to prepare him...if he has a meltdown can we leave? " -legally we can keep him for 48 hours against his/your will.
"Will you work with his Dr on a med plan?"
- the Dr will decide what he should be on. We will change his current med immediately and not gradually or slowly"
"If he has a meltdown- " - everyone has meltdowns here. " But a meltdown in an autistic person is different than a neurotypical person"
- meltdowns are meltdowns.
It was becoming increasingly clear this was not the right plan for us. Not at all.
She left to speak to a Dr. She wasn't coming back... We kept waiting... Suddenly realizing we could not get out- all the doors were locked from the outside. No handles. No call button. But a lot of cameras.
He starts to panick. Suddenly a large male nurse arrived out of no where and suspiciously asks what's going on. I calmly explain we would like to leave.
"That's going to be a problem" he says.
Now I feel like I'm in every terrible movie that has ever depicted a psych ward.
My son is starting to hyperventilate- I consider joining him.
She finally returns and I sign us out. She tells me I've made the right choice, that this is not the place for him to be. But there is no place for us to be. She looks at me and simply says " I don't know what to tell you. Good luck"
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